Freewell Eiger Matte Box True Color VND CPL Filter

Freewell Eiger Matte Box True Color VND CPL Filter

Freewell K2 Versatile Magnetic Filter System

Freewell K2 Versatile Magnetic Filter System

Freewell 82mm Magnetic Variable ND Filter System

481,71 EUR
Dostupnost: Dostupno

Freewell Variable ND 82mm Magnetic Filter Set

Freewell's Variable ND 82mm Magnetic Filter Set is the most versatile VND system on the market today, providing access to a range of features to achieve the desired effects in any conditions. With it, you can easily reduce light (VND2-5, VND6-9), eliminate glare (CPL) or achieve a foggy image effect (VNDXMIST2-5, VNDXMIST6-9, GLOW MIST). The high-resolution optical glass with 18-layer multiple coating guarantees a pristine image, and the solid magnetic construction ensures stability and reliability. In addition, the hard alloy and extended range of 2 to 9 degrees gives you full control over the amount of incoming light. You'll also find a magnetic quick-change mechanism and a protective case included.


A range of features

Freewell filters offer as many as 7 main features and stand out for their wide application possibilities. The set includes the VND2-5 and SND6-9 filters, which allow precise control over the amount of light entering the camera. The VND6-9XMIST filter, on the other hand, combines variable light attenuation with a fog effect for incredible artistic possibilities. The CPL filter eliminates glare and enhances colors, while the GLOW MIST filter gives your shots a soft look. But it doesn't stop there - you'll also have at your disposal the VND2-5XMIST filter, which combines variable light attenuation with a fog effect, and ND32/CPL, which reduces light and provides crisp colors. As an added bonus, it's compatible with the Freewell magnetic system, which means you can expand it with additional filters and create a hybrid system that will further expand your creative possibilities. Experiment and achieve the effects you've always dreamed of!


20 types of functions

The Variable ND 82mm Magnetic Filter Set will open up a multitude of possibilities and creative solutions, giving you unlimited control over light and effects. It offers up to 20 different functions. You will gain ND filter with different light attenuation, CPL that eliminates glare or MISTXND with fog effect. For example - ND 9 fstop filter reduces the amount of light by 9 degrees, which allows for longer exposure time or more controlled exposure. The CPL filter helps eliminate glare and improves color saturation. The kit also includes filter combinations, including ND32/CPL.


Robust and magnetic design

The design of the filters is based on a solid frame made of aluminum using CNC technology, which guarantees durability and reliability. The accessories are equipped with a magnetic quick-change mechanism. It allows you to change the filter efficiently and conveniently, even when you are working individually. This is especially useful in dynamic situations. Now the entire set of filters is available in one system, and you can freely switch between them while recording. You no longer have to interrupt your work or waste valuable time on complicated filter installation and removal. Freewell's solution gives you complete control and freedom during creation.



  • VND2-5/CPL filter
  • VND6-9/ND32-CPL filter
  • VND base filter
  • MISTXVND base filter
  • Magnetic ring for mounting the filters on the lens
  • Protective lens cap
  • Microfiber cloth
  • Protective case
Producent Freewell
Model FW-82-MAGVND
Filter thread size 58 mm (2-5) / 62 mm(2-5) / 67 mm (2-5) / 72 mm (2-5) / 77 mm (2-5) / 82 mm (2-5) / 95 mm (2-5)
Outer diameter (base ring + VND base ring + filters with a range of 2 to 5 degrees) 75 mm / 79.05 mm / 84 mm / 89 mm / 93.03 mm / 95 mm / 110.5 mm
Thickness 9.66 mm / 9.75 mm / 9.68 mm / 9.62 mm / 9.65 mm / 9.62 mm / 9.98 mm
Weight (base ring + VND base ring + filters with a range of 2 to 5 degrees) 56 g / 60 g / 66 g / 73 g / 77 g / 77 g / 104 g
Weight (base ring + VND base ring + filters with a range of 2 to 5 degrees + cap) 82 g / 88 g / 98 g / 108 g / 115 g / 116 g / 156 g
Weight kg 0.999000
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Manufacturer Freewell
categ_Import_Root Photo / Video/Accessories/Filters
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subcategory2 Accessories/Filters
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Recenzirate:Freewell 82mm Magnetic Variable ND Filter System
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