MCT 211

MCT 211

Dog and cat water fountain Pawbby

59,76 EUR
Dostupnost: Dostupno

Pawbby dog and cat water fountain

Ensure that your pet has constant access to fresh, clean water. This drinker by Pawbby offers 4-stage filtration to effectively eliminate impurities. At the same time, it works extremely quietly, and its use is facilitated by the Pawbby Care app. The device also sets the water in motion to attract your pets' attention and encourage them to drink. At the same time, the drinker is very easy to clean. The product is suitable for adult cats, as well as small and medium-sized dogs.

Created for your pet

The Pawbby fountain can constantly set the water in motion, imitating a mountain stream or river. This makes drinking more appealing to pets. What's more, the device is curved at a 7° angle, as a result, four-legged pets can use it comfortably. The product also benefits from high-end mechanisms that are responsible for its reliable operation and prevent it from being blocked by hair or fur. This, in turn, translates into a smooth flow of water.

4-stage filtration

Be assured that your pet drinks only pure water, free of harmful particles. The Pawbby drinker is equipped with a 4-stage filtration system to effectively remove dirt. A special PP plastic mesh traps hair and fur, while PET cotton blocks other contaminants. Activated carbon eliminates unpleasant odors and chlorine residues, and ion-exchange resin perfectly deals with calcium and magnesium ions, which contribute to the formation of scale, among other things.

Quiet operation

Don't be afraid of annoying noise. The drinker works surprisingly quietly - thanks to a well-thought-out design, it was possible to eliminate the loud sounds of splashing water. The device is also equipped with a high-quality pump that reduces noise. All this makes the volume level of the fountain only about 30dB. You don't have to worry about annoying noises disturbing your rest or frightening your pet!

Smart control with an app

Now you can control your device even more conveniently. Just add it to the Pawbby Care app! When you do, you will receive practical notifications reminding you to refill water, clean the drinker or replace the filter. You can also conveniently switch between the 2 available modes. In Normal mode, the fountain dispenses water 24 hours a day, while in Smart mode it does so continuously throughout the day and intermittently at night.


Enjoy convenient operation of the waterer. A built-in window will allow you to check the level of water in the tank at any time, and a colorful backlight will remind you when you need to refill. You can also turn off the indicator with a button so it won't disturb you at night. The capacity of the fountain is as much as 2 liters, which is enough for about 4-7 days. A small amount of water can also be stored in the lid - so your pet will drink without disturbance, even if there is a power failure.

Improved design

To change the water in the tank, simply lift the handle - the device will automatically turn off and resume operation once you put the lid back on it. What's more, the drinker's modular design makes it much easier to clean. High-quality plastics were used to make the product, and its nylon braided cable is extremely durable - your pet's teeth won't be intimidated by it! In addition, a large base and non-slip pads increase the stability of the fountain.

Brand Pawbby
Name Smart Pet Fountain
Model MG-WF001EU
Color White
Capacity 2l
Filtration 4-stage
Noise level Approx. 30dB
Purpose Adult cats, small and medium-sized dogs
Application Pawbby Care
Weight kg 0.369000
Is Featured Ne
Manufacturer Pawbby
categ_Import_Root Smart Home
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Recenzirate:Dog and cat water fountain Pawbby
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