Interactive Ball for Dogs and Cats Cheerble W1 (Cyclone Version) (blue)

Interactive Ball for Dogs and Cats Cheerble W1 (Cyclone Version) (blue)

Interactive Dog Toy Cheerble Wickedbone

Interactive Dog Toy Cheerble Wickedbone

Interactive ball for dogs and cats Cheerble W1 (blue)

38,75 EUR
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Interactive ball for dogs and cats Cheerble W1

To prevent your pet from getting bored in your absence and start destroying furniture, Cheerble designed W1 ball, which will be a great entertainment for him. The toy moves on its own, you just need your cat/dog to touch it. It has 3 modes, so you will adjust its action to your pet's needs. Equipped with an obstacle avoidance sensor, it won't get stuck in a crevice or under the couch. It's IP67 water resistant and has an 8-hour run time. Plus, it also has a special hole where you can place a snack or catnip.

3 modes of operation

The ball has been equipped with 3 modes of operation, so you can adjust its action to the needs of your pet. You can set the mode using the dedicated button and you will be informed by the colorful backlight. In addition, the ball will turn on for 10 minutes and then turn off for 30 minutes, allowing your furry friend to rest.

Thoughtful design

The toy has been equipped with an obstacle avoidance sensor, thanks to which it will not get stuck under the sofa, and if it finds itself in a gap between furniture, it will get out of it by itself. What's more, it is IP67 water-resistant, so you can successfully take it to the beach while walking your dog.

How does it work?

The ball consists of 2 parts, you just need to unscrew it. In the middle is the power button, hold it for 3 seconds to turn the ball on. Then select the mode by pressing the dedicated button. Twist both parts of the ball and place it on the floor. To make the toy start working, touch it or shake it lightly.


The W1 toy is equipped with a durable battery that offers up to 8 hours of use. On the other hand, you will charge it using a cable with a micro USB port. It only takes about 1.5 hours for the ball to be ready to work again. Additionally, it is safe for your pet and resistant to wear and tear. It is made of polycarbonate and TPU plastic. Moreover, you can replace its casing with another one.

Brand Cheerble
Name Cheerble Ball W1
Model C1801
Suitable for cats, dogs
Material polycarbonate, TPU
Diameter 77 mm
Weight 200g
Battery Lithium Polymer, 3.7V, 300mAh
Charging time 1h
Working time to 8h
Color blue
Operating temperature 0ºC ~ 40 ºC
Water resistance IP67
Weight kg 0.300000
Is Featured Ne
Manufacturer Cheerble
categ_Import_Root Smart Home/Intelligent animal devices
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Recenzirate:Interactive ball for dogs and cats Cheerble W1 (blue)
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