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Water Fountain for pets Petoneer Fresco Ultra

98,13 EUR
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Petoneer Fresco Ultra Smart Fountain

The Petoneer smart fountain with a capacity of 2 l will make sure you never worry about the purity of water for your pets again. The 3-stage filtration system, UV sterilization of the liquid, replaceable pump and quality sensors ensure total safety for your pets health. Control the device with a dedicated app or by voice thanks to Amazon Alexa compatibility. You'll also receive reminders for all necessary maintenance.

The dangers of consuming unsterilized water

Water that has not been properly sterilized and purified contains a lot of dangerous bacteria. These can cause a variety of unpleasant illnesses, such as cystitis, urethritis, or external ear infections, for example. Protect your pets from similar dangers by letting them drink only properly purified water - the Petoneer Fresco Ultra fountain will take care of that for you!

Three stages of filtration

Fresco fountain is distinguished by a unique 3-stage filtration. The first stage is prefiltration of larger particles with a special mesh. Then the water is purified by an activated carbon filter. Finally, the device passes it through a filter of ion exchange resin. As a result, the fountain allows you to give your pets cleaner water and reduce the risk of disease.

UV water sterilization

The drinking fountain in the Fresco Ultra version has an integrated special lamp that makes it possible to sterilize the water with UV radiation. This device effectively breaks down the DNA chain of up to 99.7% of bacteria in a completely risk-free manner, providing a source of clean, safe water for your pets.

Water quality control

Built-in stainless and anti-corrosive silver probes allow precise measurement of TDS - (total dissolved solids). The lower the TDS value, the lower the total dissolved solids content in the water and consequently the better the fluid quality. This parameter can therefore be an excellent indicator of water purity.

Practical reminders

Over time, the filter will work less effectively and the water quality will deteriorate. To prevent this, the Fresco fountain's algorithm will send you a reminder to your phone in advance to replace or clean certain parts of the drinker. Don't have your smartphone handy? No problem! A special LED indicator will let you know when the filter needs to be replaced and it also shows the water level.

Remote control

Petoneer app allows you to monitor and operate your fountain anytime and anywhere. Now you can ensure your four-legged friends have access to clean water by speaking a simple voice command. The Petoneer Fresco Ultra drinker is compatible with the Amazon Alexa assistant, so you can make your life much easier. Simply say: "ask Petoneer to turn on my fountain". The furry part of your family can benefit from smart solutions too!

Hassle-free cleaning and safe use

The watering can was designed in such a way that it not only looks stylish and modern, but also makes cleaning it easy for you. It is enough to take off the bucket in order to easily clean certain elements. The device is also safe to use. When you lift the bucket, the power is automatically cut off, minimizing the risk of short circuits due to contact with water. What's more, the fountain pump connection is IP67 rated. It is also easy to remove and replace.

Extremely quiet operation

The DC motor of the device is equipped with a specially adapted silicone mat, which reduces noise to a minimum. Thanks to this, the noise level of Fresco Ultra does not exceed 40 dB. So you do not have to worry about annoying noise - the drinker works extremely quietly. Sleep soundly with your pets - nothing can disturb your rest!

Compatible with TUYA

The Petoneer Fresco Ultra fountain is based on the TUYA platform. This means that it is compatible with other products that use TuyaSmart. To give you the best user experience, the Petoneer app has also been developed based on the Tuya protocol. This makes it extremely intuitive, easy to use and yet functional, providing you with a range of additional capabilities.

In the box

  • Fresco Ultra Water Fountain
  • USB power cable
  • Filter
  • Replacement Pump Filter Sticker
  • 5V 2A Power Supply
  • Replacement Foam
Brand Petoneer
Model WF002
Size 208x198x181 mm
Weight 1.20 kg
Input DC 5V/2A
Capacity 2 L
Interface Button
Communication Wi-Fi
Range 30 m
Weight kg 1.635000
Is Featured Ne
Manufacturer Petoneer
categ_Import_Root Smart Home/Intelligent animal devices
Napišite recenziju
Recenzirate:Water Fountain for pets Petoneer Fresco Ultra
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