Deko Tools DKF0302 Digital Universal Multimeter

Deko Tools DKF0302 Digital Universal Multimeter

Habotest MY6238 Multi-Purpose Detector 4in1

26,25 EUR
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Wire Detector 4-in-1 Habotest MY6238

Equip yourself with a reliable tool for detecting cables and other objects hidden in walls, floors or ceilings. The 4-in-1 cable detector by Habotest will make precise repair, installation and maintenance work easier and safer. With four detection modes (metal, wood, AC and cavity) you will be able to quickly and accurately locate hidden objects, and the easy-to-read LCD display allows you to conveniently read the result. The device is made of durable ABS plastic, making it sturdy. It requires a 9V 6F22 battery (included) to power it.


Precise detection of multiple objects

Abandon your worries about accidentally damaging wires, which can result in electrical failure or even electrocution. The Habotest reliably detects metal, wood, AC wires and hollow spaces. Thanks to its precise detection technology, once it detects an object, such as metal, a stud or an AC wire, the detector will emit a sound and light signal. You no longer have to worry about accidentally damaging cables or mistakenly drilling in the wrong place - with the detector, you can feel confident during installation or renovation.



You won't find it difficult to operate the detector. It is equipped with two function buttons, and with an easy-to-read 43 x 33 mm LCD display, you can conveniently check detection values. The 5-step intensity level indicates the distance from the detected object - the weaker the signal, the further away the object is from you.


Refined design

The Habotest cable detector was designed for both professionals and do-it-yourselfers working in the comfort of their own homes. It is compact and convenient to use - its dimensions are approximately 145 x 55 x 33 mm. At the same time, it provides a secure grip thanks to non-slip elements, which are placed on the body. The device will not only save you time, but also ensure safety.


In the set:

  • 4-in-1 wire detector
  • 9V battery
  • Case
  • Pencil (placed in the device)
  • User manual
Manufacturer. Habotest
Model MY6238
Power supply Battery (9V 6F22 battery - not included)
Application Metal detection, wood detection, AC detection, cavity detection (max. 24 mm)
Low voltage signal 7.2V
Resting current 25μA
Operating temperature 25°C
Operating voltage 9 V, max. 1 mW
Depth of detection Beam: max. 19 mm ± 3 mm; Metal: max. 30 mm ± 13 mm, Cavities: max. 38 mm ± 5 mm
50 mm max (only for 230 V~ 50 Hz power lines)
Material ABS
Dimensions Approximately 145 x 55 x 33 mm
LCD display dimensions Approximately 43 x 33 x 3 mm
Weight 0.18 kg
Weight kg 237.000000
Is Featured Ne
Manufacturer Habotest
categ_Import_Root Tools
subcategory1 Measuring tools
subcategory2 Electric meters
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Recenzirate:Habotest MY6238 Multi-Purpose Detector 4in1
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