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Voltage converter Green Cell Inwerter 12V / 230V 2000W/4000W (pure sine wave)

Voltage converter Green Cell Inwerter 12V / 230V 2000W/4000W (pure sine wave)

Voltage converter Green Cell Inwerter 12V / 230V 500W/1000W (pure sine wave)

110,38 EUR
Dostupnost: Dostupno

Green Cell car inverter 12V to 230V 500W/1000W Voltage inverter (pure sine wave)

An inverter, also known as an inverter or inverter, is a device whose function is to change the DC voltage from a car battery or cigarette lighter socket to ~230 V alternating current. This is exactly the voltage found in every household socket (Type F) throughout Europe. This converter is a great choice for those going on a road trip in a car, camper or truck - it will give you the freedom to use all the necessary appliances that require an outlet to operate.


Clever design

The unit has been designed to make use as comfortable as possible. The front of the inverter is equipped with a mains socket suitable for plugs used throughout Europe and a USB port to charge our smartphone, e-book reader or any other device with USB connectivity. A fan is located on the back of the inverter to ensure adequate cooling of the device. The entire unit is enclosed in a small, yet very robust casing. The casing is made of high-quality aluminium, which makes it resistant to any mechanical damage or shock during travel. In addition, thanks to the materials used, the inverter is very lightweight.



The first parameter to be determined is the voltage of our battery, which should be fully compatible with that indicated on the inverter. The most common voltage value is 12 volts, found in cars, campervans and some trucks, and 24 volts, used mainly in trucks.



Once the voltage has been chosen, it is important to decide on the wattage of the inverter. It has a key aspect, as it tells us how many and which appliances it is able to supply with current. If you want to connect a device of your choice to the inverter, you need to check on the nameplate how much power it draws (if you want to connect more devices, the powers need to be added together). The power consumed by your device should not exceed 85% of the rated power of the inverter! For example, for a laptop drawing 100 W and a heater drawing 300 W, a suitable inverter would be one with a power rating of 500 W or more.


Intelligent fan

An intelligent fan ensures that the device is kept at the right temperature by automatically switching on when the operating temperature exceeds the permitted limit. Thanks to its high-quality materials and perfect fit to the case, it ensures uncompromising silence and high efficiency.


Safety first

The inverter is equipped with a number of necessary safety features to protect the user and connected devices. This is confirmed by CE and RoHS certifications, which stand for safety guarantees. Green Cell inverters are equipped with a replaceable fuse, which provides essential protection for the inverter and connected devices. Its replacement is very simple and should not cause anyone any problems. We include spare fuses with each inverter to guarantee complete safety and the longest possible life of your equipment.


Why pure sine wave?

Choosing an inverter with a pure (a.k.a. full) sine wave is the safest solution because it is the same current as that found in sockets in Europe. An inverter with such a signal allows you to power all appliances, even the most sensitive ones. By choosing pure sine wave, you do not have to worry about the operation of connected appliances!



  • inverter
  • cables to the battery
  • cigarette lighter cable
  • spare fuses
  • operating manual
Manufacturer Green Cell
Model INV16
Efficiency 85%
Colour Black
Indicator LEDs
Dimensions with mounting bracket 225 x 106 x 62 mm
Input voltage 12 V DC
Output voltage 230 V AC
Output voltage shape Pure sine wave
Output frequency 50 Hz
Usable power (continuous) 500 W
Instantaneous power (pulsed) 1000 W
Fuse rating 30 A
Number of fuses 2
No-load power consumption 0,8 A
Weight 1073 g
Dimensions 220 x 106 x 60 mm
Weight kg 0.369000
Is Featured Ne
Manufacturer Green Cell
categ_Import_Root IT Accessories/Other
Napišite recenziju
Recenzirate:Voltage converter Green Cell Inwerter 12V / 230V 500W/1000W (pure sine wave)
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