This license is suitable for one mobile or desktop application.
The mobile devices (Android) can be used for ERV - check-ins and check-outs with different work or absence statuses, as well as for KP - opening specific doors, managing employee access through doors, and reviewing access records.
The license is activated for the number of devices included in the system.
Prikaz trenutne prisutnosti djelatnika. Kod složenijih sustava KP, moguće je definirati izlazna vrata (i čitače), kako bi se moglo prikazati da li je djelatnik u objektu ili van objekta, te da li se uopće prijavio danas na bilo kojem uređaju. Detaljnijim pregledom se vidi kroz koja vrata je djelatnik prošao danas i koliko puta. Sve to se može izvesti u XLS**.
NAPOMENA: Potreban je modul “Izvještaji”.
Description: K-ERV modul - LOG promjena provides the ability to track manual data changes for employees and monitor changes in work records. For each individual employee or work record, you can see who made the manual change and when it was made. Additionally, you can view the specific field that was modified, along with its old and new values.
Ovaj K-ERV modul se odnosi na male nadogradnje vezane za funkcionalnosti pojedinih modula, načina rada, promjene izgleda pojedinih modula ili formi. S ovim updateom, poboljšajte svoje iskustvo korištenja K-ERV modula i uživajte u novim funkcijama koje će vam pomoći u vašem poslovanju.
The K-ERV modul - evidencija godišnjih odmora is a versatile tool designed for managing and keeping track of various predefined statuses. It can be used for most work or absence statuses such as annual leave, sick leave, business trips, field work, paid or unpaid leave, and more.
The module allows for the recording and monitoring of status information for a specific year, but it also provides the flexibility to define special conditions for annual leave. With this module, you can easily keep track of your employees' vacation schedules and ensure efficient management of their time off.
Ovaj modul se može koristiti za ERV, KP, PC te za LPR/ANPR. Klasična namjena za ERV i KP je slikanje djelatnika u trenutku verifikacije statusa rada ili prolaska kroz vrata, dok za PC i LPR/ANPR određuje koliko kamera će se koristiti u sustavu. Tu se definiraju pristupni podaci kamerama, lokacije za slike, te moguće je vidjeti log sa slikama djelatnika ili tablica vozila.
Ovaj modul je idealan za sve koji žele poboljšati sigurnost i učinkovitost sustava nadzora, bez obzira na vrstu primjene.
Uz K-ERV modul - kamere, možete biti sigurni da će vaš sustav nadzora biti pouzdan i učinkovit.
Saznajte višeThis module enables automatic redistribution of "extra hours" from the current worked status to another status. For example, if an employee has worked 8 hours and 45 minutes today, these extra 45 minutes can be transferred to overtime work or redistributed to other tasks, depending on the settings defined.
Saznajte višeK-ERV modul - E-MAIL se koristi za slanje ERV, KP i LPR izvještaja (dnevni, tjedni, mjesečni) na mail, te za trenutne obavijesti o prolascima kroz pojedina vrata.
Ovaj modul je neophodan za organizacije koje žele da budu informisane o kretanjima i prolascima kroz vrata u realnom vremenu. Pored toga, omogućava slanje izvještaja na mail u različitim vremenskim intervalima, što olakšava praćenje i analizu podataka.
Saznajte višeThis K-ERV modul - nadogradnje velike (update) is designed for large structural changes and updates related to legal changes. It provides an efficient solution for upgrading and improving existing systems.
With the K-ERV modul - nadogradnje velike (update), you can easily adapt your infrastructure to meet the requirements of evolving laws and regulations. Whether it's a major overhaul or minor modifications, this module offers the flexibility and functionality needed to ensure compliance.
By integrating this module into your existing setup, you can seamlessly incorporate the necessary updates without disrupting your operations. The K-ERV modul - nadogradnje velike (update) is designed to be user-friendly, allowing for a smooth transition and hassle-free implementation.
With its advanced features and compatibility with various systems, the K-ERV modul - nadogradnje velike (update) offers a reliable and cost-effective solution for businesses and organizations. It provides a comprehensive upgrade that enhances performance, efficiency, and compliance.
Invest in the K-ERV modul - nadogradnje velike (update) to ensure your infrastructure remains up-to-date and compliant with the latest regulations. Upgrade with confidence and stay ahead of the curve with this versatile and reliable module.
K-ERV licenca je namijenjena za dodatno računalo i vezana je uz jedno računalo. Nakon kupnje i aktivacije licence, ona vrijedi neograničeno na tom jednom računalu. Ukoliko je potrebno, moguće je isti sustav administrirati sa više računala. Za svako dodatno računalo je potrebna ova licenca, te će svako računalo vidjeti iste stavke kao i glavno računalo.
This module allows for complete LPR functionality management in the system. In the submodules, you can enter license plates and assign them to the respective employees. Additionally, you can determine which person can pass through which barrier, generate vehicle passage reports, and make real-time decisions regarding recognized license plates.
In order to activate this module, the Camera module with a defined number of cameras in the system is required.
The "Reports" module is also required.
The K-ERV aplikacija evidencije radnog vremena LITE is a comprehensive software solution designed to efficiently manage and track employee working hours. It includes both general modules for organizational structure (companies, branches, and departments), employee administration, device and card administration, non-working days, as well as ERV modules for work shifts, ERV logs, and administration of ERV records for work and absence.
Please note that the application does not include reports.
The K-ERV aplikacija - kontrola pristupa LITE is a comprehensive access control application that provides organizations with a range of features and modules to efficiently manage access to their premises. With its user-friendly interface and powerful functionalities, this application is an essential tool for any company looking to enhance security and streamline access control processes.
Note: Reports are not included in this version of the K-ERV aplikacija - kontrola pristupa.
K-ERV aplikacija omogućuje kontrolu pristupa i evidenciju radnog vremena u tvrtkama, poslovnicama i odjelima. Sadrži opće module za organizacijsku strukturu, administraciju djelatnika, uređaja i kartica, neradne dane i izvještaje. Također sadrži ERV module za radne smjene, ERV log i administraciju ERV zapisa o radu i odsutnosti te KP module za administraciju dopuštenja i zabrana prolazaka djelatnika kroz vrata, kao i log prolazaka kroz vrata.
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