MCT 211

MCT 211

Interactive Cat Toy Cheerble Wicked Snail (brown)

31,71 EUR
Dostupnost: Dostupno

Interactive Cat Toy: Cheerble Wicked Snail (Brown)

Cheerble Wicked Snail is an interactive cat toy that surprises with unpredictable movements. It features 2 speed modes and colorful LED lights that stimulate your pet's hunting instinct, encouraging physical activity, aiding in intellectual development, and providing joy. Thanks to its automatic obstacle avoidance system, the toy remains undamaged, and the 200 mAh battery ensures up to 2 hours of uninterrupted entertainment. The product is made from pet-safe materials, and cleaning it is hassle-free.


2 Operating Modes

The Cheerble Wicked Snail toy offers 2 operating modes, allowing you to customize its behavior to match your cat's mood and temperament. By choosing between the Normal and Gentle modes, which differ in speed levels, you introduce your purring friend to a world full of light and motion, stimulating curiosity and encouraging active play. The built-in algorithm ensures that the toy automatically returns to its path after being overturned, providing a continuous challenge for your cat's hunting instincts.


Balance Between Rest and Play

Cheerble cares about both the development and rest of your cat. The Wicked Snail toy offers 10 minutes of engaging play every 40 minutes, fitting perfectly into your cat's natural life rhythms. Your furry friend can also activate the toy on their own whenever they feel like it - a simple touch is all it takes.



When designing the Cheerble Wicked Snail toy, the focus was on the safety and comfort of animals. The shell is made from soft and gentle PVC material, which is durable enough to withstand interactions with even the wildest cats. The toy moves smoothly on various surfaces, including marble, wood, and carpets. It skillfully avoids obstacles and finds alternative paths, and its fast pace and variety of movements make every chase exciting and unpredictable.


Long-Lasting Joy

The Wicked Snail offers up to 2 hours of continuous playtime thanks to its efficient 200 mAh battery. A low battery level is indicated by a red flashing light, and the included DC cable allows you to recharge the device in just 40 minutes. This means your pet won't have to wait long for the toy to be ready for more fun.


Hassle-Free Maintenance

The well-thought-out design with a removable shell makes cleaning the toy easy and protects it from fur and dirt. This makes Cheerble Wicked Snail the ideal choice for any cat owner who values cleanliness.


Included in the Package:

  • Interactive Cat Toy: Cheerble Wicked Snail
  • DC Charging Cable
  • User Manual
Manufacturer Cheerble
Model CWJ02
Intended for Cats
Battery Capacity 200 mAh
Material PVC, TPU, ABS
Weight 77 g
Dimensions 68 × 50 × 59 mm
Operating Temperature From 5°C to 40°C
Color Brown
Weight kg 0.369000
Is Featured Ne
Manufacturer Cheerble
categ_Import_Root Smart Home
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Recenzirate:Interactive Cat Toy Cheerble Wicked Snail (brown)
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